2024-02-10 15:37:56




  To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:

  First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.

  Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.

  Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.

  Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.

  Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.

  Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.

  Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.

  Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:

  The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.

  If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.

  In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.

  Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.




  Quality Guarantee

  ADS guarantees that all hardwave and frame component have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship .and material for a pericel of there (5) years date of purchase.

  If any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent cost

  The customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .Scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. Megigence .abuse. Firedamage caused by building detects.

  Acts of God and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.

  The product quality complies to European standards ,BS EN653(1997),and EEA Health and Safety Standards.





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